
2010 #2 In Anger You Hit a Ball Back at the Following Group

You are playing in front of a group of men. All day long they have been hitting into your group. You are keeping up with the group in front of you. You are not playing slow. There is no reason for their behavior. And here comes another ball. It lands and rolls right up to your foot. Without thinking, you take your stance in front of their ball and hit a beautiful shot right back at them. Your partner gasps. “That’s a penalty!”

What would you do?

When you finish your round your should tell the pro what you did.

The Pro will tell you there is a penalty and she will probably show you the following decision:

1-4/4 In Anger Player Strikes Ball Played by Player in Following Group

Q. A is nearly struck by a ball played by a player in the following group. In anger, A hits the ball back towards the group. Has A played a practice stroke or a wrong ball?

A. No. However, in equity (Rule 1-4), A should incur the general penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play.

REMEMBER: No matter how bad the group behind you is behaving and no matter how angry you get, you can’t hit a ball back at them. If you do you will be penalized.

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